Maxim Menshikov
Static analysis reseacher and startup founder
Projects - Highlights
Filter: | All projects | Highlights | Active | Commercial/external |
Domains: | Static analysis | Security/Reverse-engineering | WP8 | WP7 | WM | ELFPack | Containerization | Networking | IoT |
Platforms: | Windows | Linux | Mac | WP8 | WP7 | WM | Sony Ericsson |
CPU: | ARM | X86_64 | MIPS |
Statistics: | ANTLR (1) | Assembler (14) | Bash (5) | C (85) | C# (29) | C++ (85) | Go (1) | Java (2) | Lua (2) | Python (10) | RuC (1) | Ruby (1) | Rust (3) | TeX (1 + 15) | VB.NET (7) |
Analysis Server Protocol Static analysis Active Highlights Open-source
The protocol that it is used to unite static analyzers and IDEs, not only for IDE tasks. Inspired by language server protocol
Equid - a static analysis framework Static analysis Active Highlights Open-source
A sophisticated tool for finding bugs and proving their absence in C/C++ code, this project aims at making analysis easy and worth to apply.
Codename Race Static analysis Highlights
A static analyzer aimed at finding race conditions in the Linux code. It uses Lockset algorithm with sophisticated selection of executed function pairs, and it has proven to be quite useful in production. The C parsing has been implemented through Roslyn patches.
OSBuilder8 Windows Phone 8 Highlights
XAPDeployer Windows Phone 7 Highlights
WPBackup Windows Phone 7 Highlights Open-source
Back up all important data from fully unlocked Windows Phone 7 devices.
Dynamics (WP7) Windows Phone 7 Highlights
Dynamics ROM is one of the most functional custom ROMs for Windows Phone 7. It is based on the latest OS version (7.10.8862 to be specific) and contains all existing language packs.
Opera Mobile 10 for Windows Phone 7 port Windows Phone 7 Highlights Open-source
Opera Mobile 10 wasn't released for Windows Phone 7, but it was implemented through API emulation layer.
Opera Mini for Windows Phone 7 port Windows Phone 7 Highlights
Unlock the ability to run the native Opera Mini on Windows Phone 7, which usually can't run unsigned native applications. That is implemented through API emulation layer.
Relocation of Z-modules Windows Phone 7 Highlights
Windows Phone 7 XIP (kernel) modules have modules marked with Z flag. They require a special relocation handling. The procedure for this has been reverse-engineered, coded and incorporated to OSBuilder for Windows Phone 7.
Full Unlock Windows Phone 7 Highlights
Windows Phone 7 doesn't have an ability to run unsigned and/or native applications. That's the way to unlock these capabilities.
ImgfsFromDump for OSBuilder Windows Mobile Highlights
A very fast multi-threaded ImgfsFromDump for Windows Mobile used in OSBuilder.
Native Windows Phone 7 API Windows Phone 7 Highlights Open-source
Native Windows Phone 7 API which can be used to start executables, change themes, use PageManager, manage tiles and a a lot more.
uTask Windows Mobile Highlights
A sophisticated softkey reassignment tool for Windows Mobile 6.5.x. Also, fix position of old application windows completely automatically.
Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 two-way in-call recording Windows Mobile Highlights Open-source
Default XPERIA X1 sound driver doesn't allow two-way in-call voice recording. The patch resolves the problem by mixing sound sources.
Dynamics ROM Windows Mobile Highlights
A well-known ROM series for HTC HD2 and Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 which changes how devices work and feel.
WalkmanDisplay ELFPack projects Highlights Open-source
Modify builtin player appearance.
CoverArt in Standby ELFPack projects Highlights Open-source
Add customizable current track information to Standby view.