Maxim Menshikov
Static analysis reseacher and startup founder
Projects - Containerization projects
Filter: | All projects | Highlights | Active | Commercial/external |
Domains: | Static analysis | Security/Reverse-engineering | WP8 | WP7 | WM | ELFPack | Containerization | Networking | IoT |
Platforms: | Windows | Linux | Mac | WP8 | WP7 | WM | Sony Ericsson |
CPU: | ARM | X86_64 | MIPS |
Statistics: | ANTLR (1) | Assembler (14) | Bash (5) | C (85) | C# (29) | C++ (86) | Go (2) | Java (2) | Lua (2) | Python (10) | RuC (1) | Ruby (1) | Rust (8) | TeX (1 + 15) | VB.NET (7) |
Static analysis testing ensemble Static analysis Active
Testing static analysis projects is hard. This project aims to serve as a bridge between Continuous Integration (CI) and Verification Example Framework (VEF).
Verification Example Framework Static analysis Active Open-source
The growing list of examples for C/C++/RuC analysis & verification. To be open sourced.
Test Suite for C/C++/Java reversible debugger Commercial EXTERNAL
A complete test suite for the C/C++/Java reversible debugger has been written under my supervision.
Visao - a static analysis framework Static analysis Active Highlights Open-source
A sophisticated tool for finding bugs and proving their absence in C/C++/Go code, this project aims at making analysis easy and worth to apply.
Containerization support for router software Commercial EXTERNAL
A complete solution based on LXC has been written for commercial router. It was created with resource constraints in mind, so it actually could provide working containerization on a disk drive smaller than 30MB.
Docker MIPS feasibility research Commercial EXTERNAL
The Docker didn't have MIPS support back at that time, but the customer wanted to see it running. I investigated whether it is possible to port Docker (yes, it was), however, we stumbled upon Docker's design implications that prevented us from finishing the project.