Maxim Menshikov

Static analysis reseacher and startup founder

HTCVolumeControlProxy Windows Mobile Open-source

Fix HTCVolumeControl in Windows Mobile 6.5.x on older HTC devices

Date: 2011

Languages: C, C++


Platforms: Windows Mobile 6.5.x

Devices: HTC Rhodium, SE XPERIA X1 and other HTC devices


Prebuilt packages

WM6.5.3 itself doesn’t send needed messages to HTCVolumeControl. Newest HTCVolumeControls use keypad.dll with new global keyboard hook feature not existing on Kovsky and Blackstone. My proxy emulates this feature.


v2.0 (08.02.2011)

  • Totally new hooking procedure - now it doesn’t require any keyboard hooks to work.
  • Because of the first change, taskbar icon doesn’t need to be replaced with HTC’s, so this feature was removed from HTC’s library.
  • Some registry entries were removed since they lost their importance in v2.